Car Battery Jump Start Hemel Hempstead (HP)

Car Jump Start Service in Hemel Hempstead and surrounding HP postcode areas.

Car battery jump start service dual action

Whether you are at Home, Work, or at the Roadside we offer 24/7 Assistance.

Call 07594 218 651

Booking your Car Battery Jump Start Service

Check we service your location.

We service the following postcodes in and around the Hemel Hempstead area.






Information we need to arrange and confirm a booking.

  • Name
  • Contact No
  • Vehicle Make
  • Vehicle Model
  • Vehicle Location
  • Payment Details

Booking Dual Action Roadside Battery Jump Start Service confirms you have accepted our

Accepted Payments Image

What the service includes

Our service charge includes a technician's travel to your location, professional equipment, and up to 30 minutes of on-scene service time to deal with your Car's issue. Additional time required after the first 30 mins is charge in 30 min intervals of £22.99 per 30 mins.

Battery Jump Start Service prices in the Hemel Hempstead area.

Simple, transparent, and fair pricing.

1. Mobile call out charge.

Mobile call out charge is payable at time of booking to confirm booking and is non-refundable.

Standard Call Out

All bookings attended or booked to attend between 06:00 – 20:00



Out Of Hours Before Midnight

All bookings attended or booked to attend between 20:00 – 00:00



Out Of Hours Between Midnight & 6am

All bookings attended or booked to attend between 00:00 – 06:00



2. Service Charge.

Service charge is payable on successful completion of service.

Battery Jump Start Service Service Charge.



Call Out, Service Charge & Cancellation Policy

Booking & Service Charges.

When you book with Dual Action Roadside, we apply the following fee structure:

A non-refundable mobile call out charge is collected at the time of booking
This initial charge covers our call out costs.

The remaining service charge is payable upon successful completion of service.

Why We Charge a Call Out Fee.

Our call out charge ensures we can:

Dispatch roadside technicians promptly
Cover initial travel and fuel costs
Maintain 24/7 availability

Cancellation Policy.

The initial mobile call out charge is non-refundable in all circumstances
This policy allows us to maintain fair pricing for all customers
We recommend providing as much notice as possible if you need to cancel

Unable to complete work.

If we attend but cannot complete the work due to additional vehicle problems, the call-out fee is retained to cover our attendance and diagnostic time.

If you have any questions about our policy, please call 07594 218661.

Cancellation & Depost Policy

Local Knowledge

Our Hemel Hempstead battery team has expert knowledge of this Hertfordshire town’s distinctive layout. We cover the entire HP postcode area, navigating efficiently around the famous Magic Roundabout and across both the New Town and Old Town areas. Our technicians are familiar with The Marlowes Shopping Centre, Jarman Park leisure complex, and Maylands Business Park. We understand local traffic patterns during rush hours and serve all neighbourhood’s including Adeyfield, Leverstock Green, Bennetts End, and Boxmoor. . We know the quickest routes from the M1 and A41, ensuring we can reach you promptly whether you’re in a residential area, retail park, or business district anywhere in Hemel Hempstead.